On-site Health Care

Today səmiq̓ʷəʔelə is home to 289 active mental health beds.

həy̓χʷət kʷθə šxʷhəliʔ leləm (Healing Spirit House)

Həy̓χʷət kʷθə šxʷhəliʔ leləm, or Healing Spirit House, opened in 2019. The Provincial Assessment Centre and the Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre, previously located at the Willingdon Care Centre in Burnaby, are housed here.

Healing Spirit House

Provincial Assessment Centre (PAC)

PAC provides mental health services for people aged 14 and over who have a developmental disability and a concurrent mental illness or behavioural issue. PAC is part of Community Living British Columbia (CLBC), an agency under the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

Learn more: Provincial Assessment Centre

Phone: 604-660-0228
Email: [email protected]

Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre

The Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre is part of the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s child and teen mental health services network. Specialized programs and services for young people with mental health issues or troubling behaviour are addressed here.

Learn more: Maples Adolescent Treatment Centre

Phone: 1-800-663-7867 or 604-660-5800
Email: [email protected]

θəqiʔ ɫəwʔənəq leləm’ (Red Fish Healing Centre for Mental Health and Addiction)

Red Fish rendering

θəqiʔ ɫəwʔənəq leləm’ (Red Fish Healing Centre for Mental Health and Addiction) provides specialized inpatient treatment for BC adults (19+) having complex or concurrent issues with substance use or mental illness. θəqiʔ ɫəwʔənəq leləm’ is part of BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services, an agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority.

Learn more about the centre: BC Mental Health & Substance Use Services




The Lodges

səmiq̓ʷeʔelə is home to three lodges operated by Fraser Health. The lodges provide long-term, intensive support for people needing help managing their mental health:

  • Connolly Lodge
  • Cottonwood Lodge
  • Cypress Lodge

A team of health care professionals provides support in a home-care setting. Lodge programs are recovery-based with life skills training. A personal, community-living approach to each person’s treatment is taken.

Brookside / Hillside

Through BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services (BCMHSUS), Coast Mental Health operates a 40-bed rehabilitation and recovery program out of səmiq̓wəʔelə’s Brookside and Hillside buildings. The program supports adults with severe mental illnesses and addictions who are working towards recovery. Referrals to the program are through BCMHSUS.

Learn more: Coast Mental Health

Community Transitional Care

Through BCMHSUS, Coast Mental Health operates a 41-bed care program for people moving to the community from the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital.

Learn more: Community Transitional Care program