Hearing from those living and working at səmiq̓ʷəʔelə
The Project Team continues to meet with tenants of səmiq̓ʷəʔelə in hopes of learning more about how the future landscape can better support their needs and interests. This is part of Phase One of the master planning process – Ideas Generation. In August, a BBQ and workshop was held with Coast Mental Health staff and clients on-site. In November and December, the team met with staff from həy̓χʷət kʷθə šxʷhəliʔ leləm (Healing Spirit House) and θəqiʔ ɫəwʔənəq leləm’ (Red Fish Healing Center). Hearing from folks with lived experience of mental health and substance use care is an important part of the engagement process.
Phase One of the master planning process was launched in 2021. Since that time, the Project Team has conducted extensive public engagement, connecting with those with specialized knowledge in the project’s themes, interested and impacted groups and the general public.
A lot of valuable feedback has been received to-date, both through the public engagement and kʷikʷəƛ̓əm’s engagement process with their m̀əlstéyəxw (community). We are working to summarize this information. These two streams of ideas will merge to shape the next phase of the engagement process and inform the future of the lands for generations to come.