Old Fire Hall – Notice of Selective Demolition Work
Starting on Monday, December 11 there will be a controlled demolition of the apartment wing extension of the Old Fire Hall. The flat-roofed apartment wing and garages were added to the original 1920s gable-roofed Fire Hall in 1948. Considerable structural degradation was discovered on the apartment wing this year. Efforts will be made to remove this failed portion, to prevent irreversible damage to the remainder of the structure and to ensure the safety of those who spend time at səmiq̓ʷəʔelə.
The controlled demolition is expected to take place in December through to February. Efforts will be made to rehabilitate the exposed wall of the original building this winter. BC Housing is working closely with the City of Coquitlam’s Planning and Development department to ensure the demolition and likely rehabilitation are carried out responsibly.
Project partners, kʷikʷəƛ̓əm First Nation, are supportive of the selective demolition. Through the master planning process, BC Housing and kʷikʷəƛ̓əm will identify an approach to the physical management of heritage-era buildings and how best to remember their complicated social histories.