Recent Bear Sightings
In recent days, there have been a few sightings of a bear on site. A reminder to all visitors, users and residents of the Riverview Lands that bears awakening from hibernation may be foraging on site as their metabolic processes adjust to normal levels.
Over the years, there have been many sightings of bears and other wildlife on the Riverview Lands. Although we are fortunate to live so close to nature, we must be cautious around wildlife to remain safe and reduce human – wildlife conflict.
The following guidelines are from the BC Conservation Office:
Further information regarding wildlife species can be found at WildSafeBC.
Report aggressive or threatening bears: 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP)
Do not feed bears. It's against the law to feed dangerous wildlife.
Remain calm. Do not run or climb a tree. Slowly back away, talking to the bear in a quiet, monotone voice. Do not scream, turn your back on the bear, kneel or make direct eye contact.
Keep away from the bear. Do not try to get closer to it. If the bear gets too close, use pepper spray (within 7 metres) or something else to threaten or distract it.
Stay together. If you are with others, act as a group. Keep children close – pick up and carry small children.
Go indoors. Bring pets indoors if possible.
Watch the bear until it leaves. Make sure the bear has a clear escape route. After the bear is gone and it's safe, make sure there is nothing in the area that will attract bears back again.