Tree Updates
Recently, two large limbs came down on a Silver Maple south of Holly Drive at the south end of the Riverview Lands. Riverview’s lead arborist, Dr. Julian Dunster, has identified this as tree 229 in the Riverview Tree Survey or as found on the interactive tree survey.
Tree 229 is an Acer saccharinum. It is approximately 75 years old, almost 25 meters tall and has a DBH of 170 cm.
Dr. Dunster is investigating the cause of the failure in conjunction with BC Plant Health Care. Upon a diagnosis, an appropriate course of action will be determined.
In the interim, a large area around the tree has been cordoned off to ensure public safety.

Branch Drops
The recent strong winds at Riverview have knocked down a few tree branches near the Crease Unit. Riverview’s arborist, Dr. Julian Dunster, has been advised and will be monitoring the situation.
A large area surrounding the trees has been cordoned off to ensure the safety and security of the public and users on site.

Elm Infestation
Some of the elm trees have been exhibiting signs of infestation. Symptoms including unusual patterns of leaf discolouration, web-like foliage and premature leaf defoliation have been observed. Riverview’s site arborist, Dr. Julian Dunster, has established that this is the result of the elm leaf beetle, a leaf skeletonizer insect. Leaf skeletonizers eat the soft, outer tissue of leaves leaving behind a network of skeletal veins on the foliage.
Trees growing in landscapes may be more susceptible to attack from these pests. It is important to note that the elm leaf beetle does not transmit the Dutch elm disease, which is carried by the elm bark beetle.
Damage done by feeding from these insects rarely kills an elm tree. Dr. Dunster has indicated that historically the elm trees have recovered from these types of infestations.